In-App Help was last updated in 8.6.4 (released 10/23/2019) if you are looking for help with a feature that has been added or enhanced since 8.6.4, please check in Online Help from Help menu.
Relief assignment information is dynamic. It changes as caregiver-to-patient assignments start and end, and as caregiver availability changes on the Assign Patients view of the Patient Assign page. Assignment Manager keeps existing relief assignments and automatically adjusts the relief time or length of relief based on the new schedule information. In addition, Assignment Manager alerts you when changes in caregiver availability or assignment times conflict with the times saved in Relief Assign.
When you receive an alert message, you should open the Assign Relief View to see the change's effect on the saved relief assignments and modify relief times if needed. The Available Relief table shades caregiver rows in amber if the caregiver has overlapping relief times or times outside the caregiver’s scheduled times. Position your pointer over the caregiver name to see the conflict message, such as Assignment times for relief caregiver are outside their scheduled times. Assignment Manager allows you to save relief assignments when the assignment times for the relief caregiver are outside their scheduled time.
The following illustration shows a relief assignment error. The row in amber marks the error. Positioning the pointer over the caregiver's name opens the message KHAN, NANCY is on break during the period: 1300-1330; that is, she has been assigned as a relief caregiver at the same time she is taking a break. Assignment Manager does not allow you to save an assignment when a caregiver is on break and assigned to cover another caregiver's break at the same time.
Note: You can set how the application displays caregiver names and whether it displays caregivers' genders. See Configuring Facility Settings: The Patient and Caregiver Identifiers Tab for more information.
Other ways patient assignment updates affect relief coverage include:
If your configuration uses CareAware iBus to maintain personnel and patient data, the page toolbar displays the Assignment Sync Status button. Assignment Manager automatically checks that its patient and caregiver data matches the data on CareAware iBus when opening the Patient Assign page. The Sync Status button displays the synchronization status between the data in Assignment Manager and CareAware iBus. If all data is synchronized, the button is green and disabled: . If there are synchronization issues, the button is yellow and enabled: . You can click the button to open the Assignment Sync Status window so that you can review the issues.
Be aware that the Sync Status button displays the status of all data, not just the data on the page you are viewing. For example, if you are on the Department Assign page, and there is a patient assignment synchronization error, the button is yellow and enabled on the Department Assign page.